As busy as the dairy keeps them, the Chittendens find time to be involved in agriculture and community organizations.
Paul has been active in the Jersey breed. Like his father, Stanley, he is a former president and director for the AJCA and recipient of the organization's Distinguished Service Award. He has also been a director and officer for the New York and New England Jersey cattle associations. Paul has been involved with the cooperative extension service and the milk and local auction cooperatives. He devoted 38 years to 4-H as a club leader and now limits his service to Stuyvesant's board of assessment review and the board of the Columbia County Fair, which he also serves as livestock superintendent.

Brian is president of the New York Jersey Cattle Club and sits on the board of the Columbia County Soil and Water Conservation District. He is a town council person and serves on both the Greenway and Agriculture Committees. As well, he is a former president and assistant chief of the local fire station.
Alan served as director of the American Jersey Cattle Association for two terms, from 2014-2020. He is also a third-generation 4-H leader. He is a director and former president of the New England Jersey Breeders Association and serves on the board of New England Jersey Sires.
Nathan coaches the 4-H dairy quiz bowl team and is active with dairy promotion. He is past president of the Agri-Mark Young Cooperators program and past president and board member of the Columbia County Cooperative Extension Service.
Brian, Alan and Nathan each have received the AJCA Young Jersey Breeder award. Eight members of the family have placed in the National Jersey Youth Achievement Contest, including Paul, Brian, Alan, Karin, Nathan, Cassie, Emily and Meagan. Alan won the contest in 1988 while sister Karin topped the contest in 1994. Cousins Lydia, Cassie and Emily earned the top prize in 2021, 2011 and 2015, respectively.

Covers of the Jersey Journal featuring National Jersey Youth Achievement Contest winners Lydia (left, September 2022), Emily (middle, September 2016) and Cassie (right, September 2012).
The family hosts numerous tours of the farm for agriculture and non-agriculture groups alike. Each year, Dutch Hollow Farm hosts an open farm day which exposes 400-500 consumers to the REAL story of dairy farming.
In 2009, the dairy was a stop on the post-conference tour of the World Jersey Cattle Bureau Conference. More recently, the farm was visited by 200 representatives from World Wide Sires and additional groups of Jersey breeders from China, Holland, the Isle of Jersey and Quebec.

Kids and cows are a perfect pairing: Cassie, Emily with Anna, Zachary, Maxwell, Jonathan, Lydia and Meagan.