The United States has the safest food supply in the world. Much of this is due to the very strict regulations that the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and New York Agriculture and Markets Department have implemented to keep all consumers safe.
All dairy farms in the U.S. must comply with the Dairy Farm Inspection Report. Random farms are chosen for inspection on a yearly basis. To learn more about the inspection, please click here to view the report.
Milk leaves the farm in a tanker truck to be processed at a separate facility. The truck drivers that pick up the milk must also have a certified license as a milk hauler. Click here to learn more about milk hauler inspections.
A milk sample is drawn from the tank (commonly called the "bulk tank" on the farm) that stores milk on the farm before it is loaded onto the truck each time to ensure the milk does not contain any drug residue. Click here to learn more about how the FDA ensures the safety of milk through the "M-I-96-1: Milk Monitoring with Antimicrobial Drug Screening Tests."
And finally, all facilities that handle milk, the processing of milk and the delivery of milk must follow the Pasteurized Grade A Milk Ordinance.