
Teachers can choose one of the following on-farm lessons for their classes. Lessons take approximately 30-45 minutes to complete.

1. Life Cycles of Farm Animals
Animals in this series include chickens, cows, sheep and turtles. Students will observe the different stages of life and learn which species are mammals. They will also create a life cycle of an animal of their choice.
Grades 1-3

2. Food Chains in the Farm Community
A lesson that uses a variety of animals followed by a game of "Make a Chain". Students will learn to identify the consumers and producers in each link of the chain.
Grades 2-4

3. Ice Cream or Butter
Students use their energy to change milk into a dairy product. Grades K - 2 will make butter and then taste it on crackers. Older grades will measure ingredients for ice cream and then learn how to make the delicious dessert.
All grades

4. Simple Machines Versus Technology on the Farm
Students will learn how simple machines are used in real-life situations on the farm. Students get a hands-on experience using pulleys, levers, ramps and wedges. In contrast to the simple machines, they will also see how new technology is used on the farm and learn why it is important to adopt new practices.
Grades 3-6

5. Math in Action
Students get the chance to practice math skills in real life situations on the farm with this lesson. They will find the perimeter and area of a calf's pen and weigh the feed that is needed to feed one calf. They will also determine the volume of water one cow drinks in a day and calculate the number of gallons of milk the dairy farm produces in a day. They will learn how many gallons of milk are needed to produce cheese, butter and ice cream. This is fun-filled, station-based learning that will connect classroom lessons to real life situations.
Grades 4-6

6. Where Does this Food Originate?
A fun-filled experience reading labels of common food items to identify the plant or animal from which they originated. Students will be able to identify foods that are healthy and place them on the food pyramid. They will also learn the importance of each food group and the role it plays in maintaining and growing a healthy body.
Grades 3-6

7. Farm Animals and Their Young
A touching interaction with farm animals to learn their names and more about their offspring. Students will touch and feel each animal to learn about its hair, feathers or wool. They can hear the sounds each animal makes and compare and contrast characteristics of animals.
Pre-kindergarden - 1

8. A Healthy You
This health lesson focuses on why dairy products should be an important part of a student's daily diet. The lesson discusses the importance of calcium and protein and shows students what happens to bones and their bodies when these nutrients are consumed. They also learn about amino acids and enzymes and the definition and meaning of lactose intolerance.
Grades 4-6